Performing a large scale Gilbert and Sullivan operetta every year, Hereford G&S Society creates incredible theatrical experiences for all.
Performing a large scale Gilbert and Sullivan operetta every year, Hereford G&S Society creates incredible theatrical experiences for all.
The Society
The society rehearses at Hereford Cathedral Music School, and performs at the Courtyard Theatre. Directed by Alan Durman, and musically directed by Colin Hales, the society lives and breathes opera.

OUR previous SHOW
Our last show was Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘The Gondoliers’, performed at the Courtyard in early spring 2024. Who doesn’t love a bit of gondoliering?!

Hereford Gilbert and Sullivan Society’s next show will be ‘The Witch’s Curse – Ruddigore’!
Tickets will be on sale soon, so don’t miss out!
Join us!
Whether you’re beginning your journey into music and opera, or are an experienced theatre-hand, Hereford Gilbert and Sullivan Society are always on the look-out for new members.
To get involved, follow the link below!

support US
As a charity, Hereford Gilbert and Sullivan Society relies on the generosity of its members and the general public. If you wish to become a friend of HG&SS, please do get in touch with us. Every penny of support helps us create our fantastic annual performances.
Minimum donation of £15.
For more information, contact us here.
Are you a UK Taxpayer? Make sure to send in a gift aid form to help us even more at no extra cost to you!
Our advertising rates are as follows:
1/4 page advert for £40
1/2 page advert for £60
Full A4 page for £80
If you are interested in sponsoring the society with larger monetary donations, please contact us by e-mail.
We are grateful to the following sponsors for their support:
Clive Richards Foundation
Beamont Trust